Welcome to BigBlueButton.

BigBlueButton is a web conferencing system designed for online learning.

What is BigBlueButton?

Using BigBlueButton you can organize different kinds of web conferences: lectures or presentations, exercise or discussion groups, and online meetings, for example. Just send a link to your participants and you're on!

A BigBlueButton room can also be creating within the learning platform Moodle. Participants of your course will automatically be invited. They can join in via video and microphone to discuss the lecture's topic. The lecture can even be recorded and shared with your students in Moodle. Discover the possibilities of e-learning, e.g., working in smaller groups using breakout rooms.

Tutorial Videos

Aus dem ZHL gibt es eine Reihe von Videos die Ihnen verschiedene Aspekte des BigBlueButton an Hand von Fallbeispielen näher bringen.

weitere Tutorials finden Sie hier
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